Senin, 27 Februari 2017

Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Nothing Like Us

Nothing Like Us

Lately I've been thinkin',Thinkin' bout what we had,and I know it's hard,it was all that we knew...

Have you been drinkin'?To take all the pain away,I wish that I could give you what you deserve...

'Cuz nothing can ever,Ever replace you.Nothing can make me feel like you do,You'd know there's no one,I can relate to,I know we won't find a love that's so true...

There's nothing like us,There's nothing like you and me,Together through the storms.There's nothing like us,There's nothing like you and me,together, mm.

I gave you everything baby,everything I had to give,girl why would you push me away? yeahlost in confusion,like an illusion,you know I'm used to making your day...but that is the past now,we didn't last now,I guess that this is meant to be...

Tell me, was it worth it?We were so perfect.But baby I just want you to see...

There's nothing like us,There's nothing like you and me,Together through the storms.There's nothing like us,There's nothing like you and me,together, mm.

There's nothing like us,There's nothing like you and me,together through the storms.There's nothing like us,There's nothing like you and me,together, oh...

  • Click here for full lyrics video (by justin bieber) on YouTube
  • Click here for full lyrics video (cover by Jung Kook) on YouTube

P.S: this is my fav song by justin bieber >.<

Resensi buku : BUMI dan TATA SURYA

Assalamuu'alaikum wr. wb

kali ini saya akan meresensi sebuah buku. sebenarnya sudah lama,
buku ini saya temukan diperpustakaan sekolah saat saya masih SMP. dan sekarang saya sudah SMA :D
tak terasa ternyata sudah lama, hehe

langsung saja ...


Penyusun : Wardani
Penerbit : Penerbit Citra Adi Bangsa
Tebal : 56 halaman
Tahun terbit : 2007
ISBN : 979-9414-74-1
Bumi tempat kita hidup, matahari dan bulan adalah bagian dari tata surya.
Mengapa disebut tata surya? Karena pusat dari planet-planet dan benda-benda langit adalah matahari.
Surya adalah nama lain dari matahari.
Terdapat sembilan planet yang ada dalam tata surya, dan bumi adalah salah satu diantaranya.
Sebagian dari planet-planet yang ada di tata surya juga memiliki satelit yang beredar mengelilinginya.
Dengan buku ini kita bisa mengetahui tentang planet-planet yang ada di tata surya. Dan kita juga akan disuguhi foto-foto yang menarik didalamnya.
Pada buku ini, dijelaskan juga mengenai gunung berapi, gurun atmosfer, hujan, erosi oleh angin dan bagaimana gempa bumi terjadi.
Keunggulan buku “BUMI DAN TATA SURYA”
1. Sampul buku yang keras dan tidak mudah rusak
2. Font yang tidak terlalu besar maupun kecil sehingga nyaman untuk dibaca
3. Halaman-halaman didalam buku berwarna coklat, sehingga tidak bosan saat membaca buku
1. Buku terlalu tipis, hanya berisi 56 halaman
2. Ukuran buku terlalu besar, jadi sulit untuk dibawa kemana-mana
Buku Bumi dan Tata surya sangat baik untuk anak-anak yang ingin mengenal lebih dekat dengan tata surya.
Buku ini berisi banyak gambar-gambar membuat kita tidak merasa bosan. Dan menambah ilmu pengetahuan. :):)

mohon maaf bila ada kekurangan
Wallahul Muwafiq ila aqwamith Thariq
Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb

Jumat, 07 Agustus 2015

Lirik Skrillex and Diplo with Justin Bieber - Where Are Ü Now

"Where Are Ü Now"
BY: Skrillex and Diplo -  with Justin Bieber

I need you, that I need you
I need you, that I need you
I need you, you, you, you, you, you
I need you, that I need you
I need you, that I need you
I need you, you, you, you, you, you
You, you, you
I need you the most

I gave you the key when the door wasn't open, just admit it
See, I gave you faith, turned your doubt into hoping, can't deny it
Now I'm all alone and my joys turned to moping
Tell me, where are you now that I need you?

Where are you now?
Where are you now that I need you?
Couldn't find you anywhere
When you broke down I didn't leave you
I was by your side
So where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?

I gave you attention when nobody else was payin'
I gave you the shirt off my back, what you sayin', to keep you warm
I showed you the game everybody else was playin', that's for sure
And I was on my knees when nobody else was prayin', oh Lord

Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
I need you, that I need you
I need you, that I need you
I need you, you, you, you, you, you
Where are you now that I need you?
I need you, that I need you need you, that I need you
I need you, you, you, you, you, you
I need you the most

Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
I need you the most (I need you the most, I need you the most).

How to make Hot Cofffee

Do wanna make hot coffee?

Ingredients :

• 1 Sachet of coffee
• Sugar
• Water

Tools :
• Pan
• Spoon
• Cup
• Stove

Steps :
1. First, boil the water on a stove
2. After that, put one sachet of coffee and add spoon full of sugar into a cup
3. Then, pour hot water into a cup
4. Next  stir it well
5. Finally, hot coffee is ready to be served :D

Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Sus kering isi coklat

Bahan :

  • 100 gram Margarin
  • 125 gram Tepung terigu
  • 250 ml Air
  • 1/2 sdt Garam
  • 3 butir Telur
  • 1 sdt Baking powder

Isi :

  • 200 gram Dark cooking coklat


  • Nyalakan kompor. Rebus air, margarin dan garam. Diaduk perlahan sampai mendidih, lalu matikan api
  • Tambahkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit, aduk sampai rata. Nyalakan api lagi, kemudian masak sebentar sampai kalis. Angkat dan biarkan hangat
  • Pecahkan telur satu persatu dan masukan baking powder kedalam adonan sambil dikocok rata. Masukkan adonan ke dalam piping bag, semprot adonan dengan spuit kerang sedang diloyang yg diolesi tipis margarin agar tidak lengket
  • Masukkan adonan kedalam oven selama 20 menit dengan suhu 200 C. Setelah 20 menit, turunkan suhu oven 150 C. Oven lagi selama 20 menit
  • Tusuk salah satu sisi bagian sus dengan tusuk gigi, semprot dengan coklat dan biarkan kering